A pale light sometimes seen at night over marshy ground.
Examples for "friar's lantern"
Examples for "friar's lantern"
1It is only the meteoric light of the ignis fatuus, soon extinguished.
2The illusion was gone,-theignis fatuus of adventure, the dream of wealth.
3A light which illuminates centuries must be more than an ignis fatuus.
4To this had the ignis fatuus of a false love brought her!
5He leaps over extensive regions of country like an ignis fatuus.
1It drove away from me like a monstrous jack-o'-lantern driven by the wind.
2An' dey 'low dey mus' hab a jack-o'-lantern or de fun all sp'iled.
3His jack-o'-lantern face, Tom saw, was the result of surgery.
4Ralph glanced up at a floating jack-o'-lantern that seemed to be eyeing his plate.
5The man was a jack-o'-lantern, a will-o'-the-wisp, a weird, long-legged, long-armed, red-haired illusive phantom.
1I call you 'the will-o'-the-wisp girl' to my own private soul.
2If will-o'-the-wisp really did represent a natural process, there are some possible explanations that Garlaschelli could test.
3The correct rate is no more than a will-o'-the-wisp, changing from day to day in response to changing economic conditions.
4Once her eyes had adjusted, she could see little will-o'-the-wisp lights, so faint and pale that they hardly had color at all.
5The former Kilkenny will-o'-the-wisp is playing senior hurling for 10 years, but had to wait until this game to win his first senior county medal.
6The will-o'-the-wisp cast a terrified look at each one in turn.
7I could call will-o'-the-wisps, but the spiders weren't impressed by them.
8All three looked at the will-o'-the-wisp, who was wriggling with embarrassment.
9The thought of a conversation between Roger and this young will- o'-the-wisp tickled her.
10I can conjure my own will-o'-the-wisp, thank you very much.
11There is no getting hold of the Will-o'-the-Wisp that is the Irish festival trail.
12The will-o'-the-wisp coalesced into a glowing ball, shining in the air before John's knees.
13Goblins have little magic, only petty charms, slumbersongs, will-o'-the-wisp lanterns.
14The will-o'-the-wisp itself belonged to a family that was hardly reputed for truthfulness or reliability.
15He is a veritable will-o'-the-wisp, scurrying here and there in his never-ending search for marauders.
16The will-o'-the-wisps generated by our rotting lives are at least a light in our darkness.
Translations for will-o'-the-wisp